Soaring through the Cosmos

Dragon’s Chant Exhibition Poster, 2024

“Soaring through the Cosmos” is about how our home calls for us to return every new year. Recovered from a big emotional slump, the artist is calmed and encouraged by the enormous and endless nature of space. Dragons, as ancient Chinese fantasy creatures, carry her forward and represent power and energy, bringing good fortune and blessings to the world.

While creating this illustration, Vyolet felt cheerful and hopeful, and she would love to share this with broader audiences.

The poster was invited to be the Dragon’s Chant exhibition's Main Poster by BlubluSpace, and was exhibited at Jutta Gallery, Soho, New York.

Dragon’s Chant Exhibition
March 1-2, 2024
Jutta Gallery, Soho, New York
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© Vyolet Jin 2024